

Since we have seen a few of these and I promised Jules to make one a few months back it has been difficult due to not feeling up to little, yesterday and today were the days.

My “Dragon flies in flight”
It all went to plan and here they are ! Hope she fecking likes them !!

Otherwise the day was perfect, went food shopping had  coffee went onto the “lost and looking for parking, 100 TIMES, OVER AND OVER” on the Puerto Marina main drive, where I walked to long and  stopped  at a pub  that had sofa’s, don’t forget , I have no arse !!! A British couple were so gentile and even bought me a sparkling water so not lager louts, no lobster backs, flashing of fat slabs or pulling down of shorts.

We all people watched with a  Mac Laren opposite us and it was a hoot the antics to take photos, not look at it, ignoring the car but eye balls having their stalks almost sprained.

Came home and had visitors and quite a social pm.

Now the shitty bit, I haven’t dropped a coil in 4 days and really tried, I almost heard the Golden Bridge’s main cable twang simultaneously, frightening it was too!!

Who  did I turn too?

SUPER GLYCERIN !!!!!!  🙂 Within half an hour I could make a horse cringe .

Now recovering on the bed but feeling saved!

Good Night all.

HAPPY DAYS !!!I can say a few things now, .

20150622_114046 Sorry guys, as I have been feeling better and better , my inspiration has gone a bit dry but I am sure I can conjurer up something,  I have been getting quite bad hiccups with my damn phlegm balls at night but I think I have to chose what I eat better and it reduces the problem, will let you know how it goes. On the waking up feeling good it just gets me going, breakfast in town, going to the Clinic to fill my prescription which requires an appointment to go back and get it filled a few days later (Feckers apply this to some Juan who has a sheep stuck on his Willie or someone like me who should not even be walking) Tonight Andreas, Jessica and I did a burger challenge on the BBQ, They say I won, Who am I to contradict them but as they came off the grill (the burgers not them,  the sprogs) the flies brought in additional troops from the Egyptian  army laundries so we ate and ran !! We are now unofficial sales staff for our INTEX soft tub. Our neighbours are now buying them due to our experience. Could I do a road show on my NINJA where punters could buy from me their favorite tumor ?? Could be cheap and I would be happy to do home consultations on how best to reset the Ninja’s parameters ( I know ,I haven’t worked them out myself ) but I could be a bit of a rough no? Lastly , I haven’t had a face to face fight (which I miss) so Friday I am going to the Condo meeting we have on our Golf Resort which I wasn’t initially , will probably have some juicy happenings (without divulging sensitive material) otherwise I may have too send you to Guantanamo and get that woman soldier to take you for walks passing piles of men with their lose bits exposed. That’s it !! Good night my friends !!



Today again feel like a million Euros , no a Million Pounds !!
At night I am still getting the hiccups and the nasty phlegm which is a bitch but worthwhile working at clearing it as much as possible as it helps to create an easier not much to say so you get another influential person in my life.

Anyway, Silverio (who keeps a very low profile on Facebook or the internet in general but that is him )was my first mate at Atelier do Sul although he was in the warehouse as Manager in the outdoor publicity division  I noticed he would come in and get what he wanted, no nonsense and was soon back in his warehouse.

I then found out he had been brought up in Australia so therefore the different dynamic from others.
Well , a partner of Claes  Fred who partly owned that company (British , was an ok guy but had some rough business ethos,) example, I went to work for him as Sales Manager of myself 🙂 and I was in on a Sunday when Annika called to say she was about to pop and could I come home and take her to the Hospital, He had the audacity to tell me “Couldn’t she take a taxi?” well I left anyway, with him well coated in my best bad language and on Monday I resigned.

I think it was less than a week and I was pushing Silverio to open our own company.

We did , in a dilapidated small ware house , (Still lovingly used by him as the business is still going strong after 20 years) , We are still so proud of having taken from Fred most of the big golf clients on the Algarve and going from strength to  strength since then.

I was Sales Manager who sometimes came back with ridiculous time frames and Silverio , under his enthusiasm , we always came through.
This man taught me a promise is a promise even if we had to work till morning, load up and go mount sometimes complex signage or banners and that made us the go too guys for all emergency.
He was the guy that even in it’s infancy of common use would search out amazing products and methods on the internet.

Most days he was in the warehouse first and his attention to detail was astounding and perfection was second to none, all this taught me to apply these principles in my Project Management years.

His problem solving capacity was fantastic either on the sign or out in the field some times without proper tools , I remember him looking around, spotting a farmhouse in the distance, set off and coming back with all his needs borrowed  from the farmer. I was never in doubt he would find a solution, ever !  🙂

I learned a lot from him and we had a great meet up when I was in the Algarve  a short while ago.

H e now makes intricate wood items that will blow your mind, his wooden surfboards and kayaks belong in a museum so he is well on his way to being an artist as well.

Amazing man you are Silverio , I salute you !!

Good Night .


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As today has been another perfect day and all goes great ( I think the Ninja has been caught out by the hot tub he has kept away), I, if you all don’t mind will talk of people that were very good in my life.

Claes Feder is the man that gave me my first job in the Algarve.
Project  Manager for his company “Atelier do Sul”
At the time a company car was given to me which left my loser Family in Lisbon with bollocks being scrapped on the “Calcada”

Salary was double of a similar position in Lisbon.
After more or less a a month I had my burst two Duodenal ulcers which happened on a Friday and long story short , I spent the week end unconscious in my bathroom covered in my crap, literally , he questioned on Monday morning  if anyone knew where I was, he then sent staff to my apartment and when I did not respond and the car downstairs he ordered the break in via front door and bugger the damage, well then rushed off to hospital where the emergency doctor took a look at my eye balls and he could not find a vein anywhere , immediately put on to blood transfusion where I promptly exhausted the supply of my blood type, end result HE SAVED MY LIFE.

I had heard he had a daughter named Annika who had flown to Sweden to operate on her knee after a fall from her horse , to me immediate thought was “Awww rich bitch fell off her horse, diddums”

When she returned she came to my office and welcomed me to the company and wished me a speedy recovery , I then thought ,WOW she is normal , quick conclusion , within a month and a bit I was living with her shortly after a few months Annika sat on a dirty toilet seat and got pregnant with Jessica.

The most interesting part Claes knew nothing of all this until he had a cocktail party and Annika said enough ! and she took me with her.
when he opened his front door and saw me with his daughter where staff were not welcome except to do something for him his face was like thunder it was a clear look of “What the feck are you doing here AND with my daughter” Berit My mom in law, saved the situation by welcoming me like a regular house guest (she knew everything we had done)

He, very very slowly started accepting me as more that a staff member.

He having started as a Naval architect and being part of the creation of the “Love boat” yest the ship in the series then became on the the best Architect around and he hit the ground running and became “The” architect to go too.
as a “naval ” architect he brought with him concepts I loved, minimize corridors, create useful spaces that other architects would never see in their minds eyes and my favourite, was he could whack a full project in 2 days which left him to not present the project for at least a week or two or he would lose the reason for his “Healthy ” commission , that was a technic that served me well in getting justification for certain services I did to clients in my Independent Project Management years plus a whole lot more on how to be honorable when a crises hit, it allowed generosity towards the client by not invoicing for those things. All work ethics that served me very well. I think by year 8 or 9 he started to treat me like a proper son in law and confided in me some quite private ways he lived and worked.

2009 , he fell and broke his hip , and just went down health wise ( a man that still got the glad eye from a 40 year old women and he was in his 70’s)
Doctors discovered he was riddled with cancer , it was everywhere and it took little time for him too pass away , It will be forever with me when on my last visit too him , he squeezed my hand so so hard when he heard it was me 😦

Shows the type of man he was , told no one he had cancer to the end…
Claes , I still love you is a very special way that only he would understand ( I am now crying ) so hope this was nota a boring post for you great people out there.
Good night.



Jules has told me endlessly to use Hydration cream , I haven’t exactly followed her advice, now ( possibly due to the spa which is bringing a new comfort and feel good to my life), it may be not be helping my skin which is phylo pastry that would make a greek mama proud but when I have used cream nothing changes so I am on now on standby for the day I shed this skin and come out with a glossy, hydrated smooth as a baby’s arse lively green superb finish I can preen with. Keep your fingers crossed guys.

I have had awesome days since we got and started using the spa? I don’t want to know yes or no if it influences, to me YES ! It’s the reason and I will use it more and more.

Our spare bathroom is almost finished with a splendid shower which with my stool for sitting will allow me to shower alone, Jules doesn’t have to see my “Cadbury’s Flake ” lookalike body everyday, even I gag a little looking at it, I bet the fecking Ninja loves the look.

I have started a model Russian model, a hobby I dropped when TV arrived in S.A…

I Have also found a lovely way to distribute my ashes to my family, pendants with each having a portion. ( Scatter the ashes? Where? All I can think of is to sneek the mix into Starbucks Columbian moca mix  🙂  )

Then I lost the plot , started thinking if I should have a hair transplant, dumb dildo that I am !!!

That’s my lot for today.

Night night !


Life is a journey. It’s one hell of a roller-coaster of highs, lows and everything in between. But we all know that – we have all experienced part of the ride, and some have gone loop the loop more times than they care to remember. Each journey is special and unique, which is why we keep getting back on, even when we think we’ve had enough.

So, this morning I said goodbye for 2 weeks. 15 days in fact. A tearful, emotional parting, but one that made me realise once again why I am still on that ride, even though it terrifies me, as roller coasters always have.

Carlos told me that when I am back, we will pick up where we left off this morning. He will be there to bring a smile to my face as he has done every day for the past 3 years. He will make me laugh, make me cry, and make me a better driver (ask him about that!)

And I will be back again to nag him and make sure he is eating (he is going to cringe at that comment!!) to bring a smile to his face, and make him realise that we’ve still got some good living and loving ahead of us.

He will be there when I get back, because he promised – and he has never broken his promises to me – ever!

See you soon XXXX



2014-03-06 11.11.37

Caught the ninja in a sneaky photo, ugly fecker isn’t he ?  🙂

For the last two days days I have have been having dreams of the complete banishment of the Ninja and waking to a brand new healthy life.

One I dream’t I had a tablet in my tablet Russian salad that had printed in it the fact that total cure would be at 4:30 am on a specific date and taking it EXACTLY then , voila ! I would be cured.  How lovely that would be …

The other was I got cured by by having at least three visits to the bathroom during the night, after each visit I picked up on the dream and woke up this morning with conviction that I was cured , didn’t last long until reality hit.
I wonder if this all is some kind of positive thinking through the day that carries on too the night, still good to know that I am fighting the ninja whilst I sleep.

Now, irritants, I primarily started the blog to leave my quirky day by day experience .

Secondly , it got tiresome people messaging me  “How -are- you” 3 words they have too type but my answer because they then expected a thesis on how I am plus an interview with Ninja up too 7-8 times a day makes me rewrite at least 300 to 400 words. So, come to the blog and it’s all here, helps my life and my time is more important than yours I am afraid.

Here the rub, when I tell people as an answer “Go to the blog” it’s all there , they accept and do it, Friends I know for years and I tell them the same , they get highly offended and I never hear from them again.

If you are a real friend do you believe you have special privileges ? Must I answer you personally just because you know me? Apart for the odd question privately, you don’t want to ask on the blog which I will answer privately , NO! you will not get me to write the same update just for you.

The losing of those friends (It now runs well over a dozen) makes me question the frailty and genuity of that friendship all along.

To you lot , I don’t give a feck!! That sorts that out.  🙂

My current fight with ninja is night time heartburn which leaves me awake most of the night but as sleep does not work on recovery in energy in cancer patients, not too bothered .

The fecking ninja does not rest though, always looking to a way to making some or all of my days a misery.

Oh well , that is life on the slow lane for some things and on the fast lane for others.



Yesterday we had a fabulous lunch with our friends and then came back to our home for further drinks, I cannot stand the taste of any alcohol since November last year so I am sober throughout this saga.

As most of the spa had been unwrapped before by Jules and  I , and me being me, I cannot wait to finish something I have started so I roped our friends in to help finish mounting and do the heavy work I could never dream of doing on my on.

Initially it all went well until the filling of water , NO WATER from the terrace tap ! all others worked but as there were to “many whores massaging the client” suddenly we had no water any where, including the bathroom being renovated where there are also taps to play with. I wanted to confirm that had water gone off generally? Jules has keys to the neighbours  and we could check there, with a bit of vino (which she justly deserves to have) she was being like I am 24/7 almost  🙂 she wasn’t looking too hard for the keys , I was going ballistic and being quite the Hitler at one of his mass rallies from the late 30’s

So tears, from Jules , me being quite insulting to my guests and then with fiddling of of taps Paul got it working but then a leak sprung in the  bathroom being worked on, the fitting was hand loose , Feck !! I called the builder who’s phone like all 9other service people goes on the “blink” on week end’s, Now I sounded like Mussolini at one of HIS rallies.
With kitchen tools we managed to tighten the fecking fitting and we had water!!

Filling of the spa  which took two hours gave us all time to cool down and some took the opportunity to “re hydrate” with road kill grapes.
In the end we had a great BBQ and the evening ended well.

This morning woke at about 11 am feeling like I had been thrown out of a pub and being the “once over” by the biggest patrons.

I think Jules had been in the same pub…

The Ninja ? , I think he thought, all this drama? I will take a day off , he is doing enough damage himself, whatever pond scum !!

Today I need rest but did try the spa and?  HEAVEN !!

See you guys tomorrow .



Amazing how life can be so powerful and so beautiful, the above picture is an abandoned village in China, not a single Ninja in sight I presume.

I will try to throw some humour into this post but it is a serious one again , sorry guys, cannot be Comedy Central all the time.

Ninja , the feckity feck fecker, has been destroying me without me really noticing and that is in the muscle and strength department, I have been afraid for some time about loosing the use of my legs but almost daily they are getting weaker.

Today on two occasions I slipped and if it were not for Julie being home , those would have been the position she would have found me in, we did establish that that svelte one can pick up 59 Kg. That’s what I weigh now  …

I officially cannot be left alone anymore, I will still go into town and drive but not alone.

I can barely walk up to our roof terrace but just manage, we ordered a soft spa, (which between Jules and I we have started putting it together but Jules is doing most of the work) The idea was I would daily get in and do some physiotherapy and it would be located on our roof terrace but it will be on the lower terrace and no way am I getting in alone.

Whilst Jules is away soon, a best friend has flown out to assist me , thanks Frances, mfrom the bottom of my heart XXX and then Jess arrives to be with me as well she is a gem and a darling Love you eternally darling.

I promised to keep a normal life routine for as long as possible and WILL NOT GIVE UP, Ninja !! you won’t have me bed ridden for quite a while you cowardly fecker !!!

Tonight we went to a Restaurant in an industrial estate that served close to the best Parillada we have ever had all the different meats were more tender than the last BUT THEN… a Spanish party of well over 40 adults and 746 kids arrived , Spaniards are one of the loudest nations on earth (reminds me of the blacks in SA, 25 cm away from each other and they all simultaneously keep their vocal cords operating above the decibels of a Harrier jump jet in full landing banshee screams) , I bet you can guess the kids screaming (aged 5 to 15) have vocal cords that would run a small Tata Indian car at an average speed of at least 60km/hour.

So we left then as Jules’s eyeballs were bleeding and my bollocks had disappeared into my body and I swear I hear Ninja cry out in terror.

And that was my day, not really pleasant in my slips and having to shout out to be picked up, it has rattled me again.

Good night all .




My current stock of porridge that makes my day, ever day, above.20150611_151714

I am back to feeling really good, (except the night sweats) but all other side effects have eased off so let’s PARTAY !!!

Bruises and sore “muscles”, thought I had no muscles left to hurt actually, these are keeping me slow.

Never mind !  I feel like I have been informed via intergalactic pulse speed priority mail that my personal electron pulse  vial will not be needed for the grand scheme of things (such as the rebuilding of the death star) for at least another 30 years.

We just went down to San Pedro to get one of my medicines hand mixed , OOOOOOOOH ! you say, well , only the best and bespoke for mother’s  blue eyed boy, I say.
As it’s a holiday here the pace of the Spaniards is extra slothish.

I had forgotten there is another side effect ,

12) Cream Soda coloured bile, it is available first thing in the morning, suits the youngster who are into fluorescent colours , this lot can be seen at night from 500 metres so night club use will give it “awesome” status immediately.

Moving on, Julie last night with the night sweats jumped into action like an overrated fireman from the NYFD, man! before I could finish a swizz She had prepped the bed again for sleeping, (LOVE YOU JULES !!)

I think for now the Ninja has been temporarily thwarted.

Short post , short on content unless you want to hear about my political climb in South African to reach the level of Minister of Intelligence and then to feck it all up , leaving the country run by a group of performing monkeys of whom we are so proud of.

Good afternoon all !!